My Pajama Dog

I have something new sitting on the bookshelf in my office. It’s not something new, in itself. The fact that it is sitting on my bookshelf is new.
In looking through one of my “treasure boxes” the other day, I found my pajama dog. I never gave him a name. He was just my “pajama dog.” He is a light blue corduroy with pink corduroy inner ears, and has black felt eyelashes, although now the long lashes have somehow disappeared. There is a long zipper on his tummy. Unzip the zipper, roll up your pajamas (PJs) and stuff them into his belly. Zip him back up and sit him on your bed for a cute bed decoration, and as a plus, your PJs are easy to find at night.
When I packed up my childhood treasures years ago, he went into my treasure box. I’m not really sure why I loved him so much. Was it because he was unique, or that I could find my PJs quickly? Or did he give me some sort of comfort that I needed at the time?
When I saw him in that box last week, I immediately picked him up and smiled. Who knows why we become attached to certain things. I just know that, even now, I felt warm and fuzzy when I looked at him and held him in my hands.
Why in the world should he be stuck in a box when he made me smile even now?
So, yeah, he’s now sleeping on my office shelf. I don’t think the PJs of an adult would fit in his tummy right now, but maybe I might give it a try.
Do you have something in your Treasure Box that still makes you smile?