I knew better

My husband does the grocery shopping.  It’s one of the ways he helps out with household chores.  However, yesterday, I did the shopping.

I had to go into town for a dentist’s appointment, so volunteered to do the grocery shopping since I was there already.  “Town” is 35 minutes away from where we live, so it just made sense.

I left home at 11:30. I wasn’t hungry so didn’t eat any lunch. I planned to take along a Protein Bar to eat when I got hungry, but I forgot it.

When I got into town, I ran a quick errand and then was going to pick up a sandwich before my appointment. Then I remembered I hadn’t brought my toothbrush along. No way I was going to eat something and not brush my teeth before I went to the dentist office.  So I went to my appointment with my tummy rumbling.

When I got out of the appointment, it was 2:30; and I had to go to the pharmacy to get a pain prescription filled.  That, at the time, was more important to me than food, so I headed to the pharmacy.  By the time I had the prescription in my hand, it was 3:30.  I still hadn’t had lunch.

By now I was “starving!”  But it was so close to dinner, I thought I would just pick up a snack at the grocery store, rather than treating myself to my favorite sandwich at my favorite sandwich store (#21 at Deli Delicious: turkey, sprouts, avocado, cream cheese on wheat roll) as I had intended.

When I walked into the grocery store, the first thing I saw was the Bakery. And I knew I was in trouble. I know better than to go grocery shopping when I am hungry. 

But knowing that didn’t save me yesterday.   I think from now on I’ll just let Rick do the shopping… no matter how much sense it might make for me to do it at times.


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Comments (10)

  1. tracib

    You gave me a good giggle…Sure know what you mean about shopping hungry. Only I come home with ice cream….lots and lots of ice cream!

    February 25, 2017 at 7:09 am
  2. Janell Welborn

    LOL – This happens to me too. Going to the grocery store hungry for just one item turns into several additional unexpected-delicious-hip-loving food! Have to enjoy life!

    February 25, 2017 at 7:42 am
  3. Been there, done that…LOL. I think grocery store bakery departments should be blocked off with barred doors so I can’t get in. 😀

    February 25, 2017 at 2:02 pm
    • Karen

      I think that is a VERY good idea!

      February 27, 2017 at 7:21 am
  4. Sheryl Hardin

    Been there, done that!

    February 26, 2017 at 6:03 pm
    • Karen

      I was SURE I wasn’t alone!!! 😉

      February 27, 2017 at 7:20 am
  5. FussBudget

    My husband does the grocery shopping, too. Been there, done that. Best left to the men folk, ha.

    February 27, 2017 at 2:31 am
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