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ABC Values Album


The ABC Values album was designed to help you create digital scrapbook pages or albums quickly and easily.

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SKU ks-alb-alp-01
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ABC Values Album Digital Scrapbooking Pack by Karen Schulz Designs

ABC Values Album is a Digital Scrapbook Pack  by Karen Schulz Designs. It includes a variety of templates to create family or personal values oriented-themed scrapbook pages, digital art, and printable art projects.

The ABC Values album was designed to help you create digital scrapbook pages or albums quickly and easily. Each page includes a decorative letter, a title, a quote, and 4 photo placement options. Options include a space for 1 photo, 2 photos, 3 photos, and 4 photos.  Complete the template pages and either print or upload to your favorite print site to create a unique and treasured album, perfect for you to keep or to give as a gift.

Ideas for Albums:

  • Use the album to express your own values, which will be a great gift to family members and future generations
  • Create an album for a specific family member or friend by using only photos of them that demonstrate the value or quote on each page.

This Digital Art Product Includes:

  • (26)  11 x 8.5 inch templates provided in PSD, TIFF, and PNG formats. Each format is a complete package, so you only need to download the format that you want to work with. Simple instructions are provided for resizing templates, if you prefer to work with a different page size.
  • 4 different Photo Layouts per template page (Turn on the visibility of the Photo Layouts you want to use. Turn off the visibility of the Photo Layouts you don’t want to use.)
  • Ornamental Alpha 01 (One letter is included on each template page)
  • An optional Divider to be used at your discretion
  • Drag and Drop feature included for Photoshop Elements users
  • Editable text so you can change the font, or the quote itself, easily.

If you are not familiar with the Drag and Drop feature, you can view my Drag and Drop Templates You Tube video for instructions.

If you want to get even more out of your Drag and Drop Templates, here is a YouTube video with 5 Extra Tips for you.

Sample layouts may include elements or use templates that are not included in this product. 

Information about this product:

This is a  digital art product. All files are created at 300 dpi for quality printing results.  Elements, if included are provided in PNG format.  Papers (if included) are provided in JPG format with at least one copy sized to 12X12 for use in creating digital scrapbooks.

This product is licensed for: Personal Use {PU} and S4H, S4O

© Karen Schulz Designs – All Rights Reserved

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