A Community Unites

In these times, it’s not always that we see a community unite, so when we do it can be extraordinary. That happened in my community. And this is that story.
A Chipotle Mexican Grill was built in the small town of Oakhurst, California. The large dirt pile from the excavation lay next to the restaurant for months. One day a local resident by the name of Larry Townsend decided to have a bit of fun with it. Here is his story in his own words:
“I’m kind of an introvert, so I always have stories going through my head. And when I turned 70, I said on my bucket list, I’m going to climb the hill. But I just didn’t climb the hill, I decided to make it fun, so I free-soloed it. I established a base camp, and I established a second camp. I went up without oxygen. I just made some fun stories.”
Larry posted this, and several more stories, along with photos on local social media, and his posts went viral.
The dirt pile was named “Mt. Chipotle,” and residents could be seen climbing it any time of the day and well into the evening.
One day a Christmas tree was planted on top of the hill. Unfortunately, a fully-costumed Grinch stole the tree (the whole thing was video-taped and posted on Facebook), but, fortunately, a kind soul replaced the tree the next day.
Climbers left stuffed animals and other trinkets atop the mountain too, as is common among the mountain-climber community.
A “Mt Chipotle” sign was carved by the Central Sierra Woodcarvers and planted on top of the hill.
The Madera County Sheriffs joined in the fun also. Two Sheriffs climbed the hill and surprised 2 teenagers, each with a $100 “Kindness Gift.”
One day the American flag, which had been planted atop the hill, was stolen; but the Sierra Hiking Seniors Club planted another one the very next day.
Some quick-thinking entrepreneurs designed and sold t-shirts, coffee mugs, and even Christmas ornaments. One talented musician wrote a song about the now-famous Mt. Chipotle, and it’s really quite good.
Tourist busses were seen stopping at Mt. Chipotle on their way to Yosemite National Park, and it even made it onto Google Maps, Fox26NEWS and ABC30 Fresno.
One hill, a little imagination, and people willing to have some fun brought this tiny community together.
It was truly wonderful to see and so much fun to be a part of.