Changing colors of semi-transparent objects can be tricky. When recoloring these types of objects, they can go from vibrant to flat…
Logos, although small graphics, can be really difficult to design. They need to say so much in such a little…
Meet Clareene, a member of my creative team, who is constantly making the CUTEST crafts with my digital designs! When…
Sharing your digital scrapbooking layouts is fun! Whether it’s in a store gallery, in a Facebook group, or on your…
What is Washi Tape? I know what it looks like, how cute it is, but wondered why hands-on scrapbookers love…
Are you a person who loves to take Selfies? One of the reasons I don’t take too many Selfies is…
Who loves texture? Me! Me! (Raising my hand and jumping up and down!). I needed some new ones this week…
Pinterest. I love browsing through Pinterest. You can type in just about anything in the search box and get tons…
A Type Mask can be a helpful tool when creating layout titles or other text. The Mask allows the area…
I love using templates! You can use them just as they are, or use them to jump-start your own ideas.…