Closets: More Than Just a Place to Hang Clothes

Closets are usually seen as storage spaces, a places to hang clothes and stash away shoes. But this weekend, something happened that made me stop and reflect on closets, in general.
If we can’t find Jax (one of our dogs), we know he will be in a particular spot in my closet where he loves to hide, nestled underneath the long coats in my closet.
This weekend, we had our 3 youngest grandchildren with us. The 3-year-old, Asher, was playing with 2 of his special cars. When it was time to go home, we reminded him to find his 2 cars. He ran into our bedroom, and I watched him go into my closet. He reached into the very spot where Jax hides, and pulled out his 2 cars. I was astonished that he had chosen the same hiding place, or safe place, for his cars that Jax had chosen.
So what is it about that spot? Or what is it about closets in general?
Reflecting on my own childhood, I remembered how I would retreat to my closet whenever I needed to feel safe or simply wanted to be alone. My dad built our house, and he designed my closet to be about 6 ‘ wide and 6 ‘ deep. It had one clothes bar across the back, and a high 4’ deep shelf for storage. I would climb up onto that shelf and hide among my storage boxes. No one could find me unless I wanted them to. It was my very special hiding and safe place.
I know women today who use their closet as a place to have a moment or two of Quiet Time or a place to do their daily devotions.
So maybe closets aren’t just places to hang clothes. They can be sanctuaries that offer comfort, security, and perhaps a sense of control. Whether it’s a pet seeking refuge, a child hiding their toys, a youngster seeking comfort, or even an adult looking for a moment of peace, even the smallest closest can provide something special to those who are looking for it.