Clothes for Porg

Porgs are flat-muzzled birds, covered in brown feathers, with the exception of the orange around their eyes and the white on their belly. They flock around rocks and roost in the cliffs of Luke Skywalker’s secluded island. They are also known for being inquisitive creatives.
Owen and Ella (my grandchildren, aged 7 and 6) love Porg. They’ve explained to me that their Porgs are “magical because they were bought at Disneyland.” I’ve seen it with my own eyes too. Owen and Ella will go to sleep at night, each with their own Porg in hand, and in the morning, the Porgs are gone. Owen explained to me that the Porgs “escape” at night. So each morning, Owen and Ella have to search for their Porgs… every… single… day.
The Porgs have been known to hide on the blades of a ceiling fan, on top of high kitchen cabinets, tucked into the folds of curtains, and even inside a Christmas tree. They are tricky little guys.
Last week, Ella called me and asked if I would make some clothes for her Porg. When I told her I would, she said, “Okay, here’s the plan. I’ll mail Porg to you and you can make clothes and then mail him back to me.” She wasn’t sure about the packaging, though, so asked her Dad (Brian) what she should use. Brian said they should try to find a box to mail them in. Ella quickly returned with a cardboard box that had room for about 20 Porgs. When Brian said they should try to find a smaller box, Ella dejectedly said she didn’t have a smaller box, so Brian suggested they look for a bag, thinking of a padded mailing bag. Ella said, “I know EXACTLY what to use,” excitedly ran out of the room, and returned with a gallon-sized Baggie. Hmmm… that wasn’t quite right either.
In the meantime, Owen wanted to know what was going on. Ella said, “Grandma is going to make clothes for Porg! Do you want her to make clothes for your Porg too?” Of course, he did.
So off to the post office they all went to purchase mailing bags and mail the 2 precious magical Porgs to me.
Ella called me this morning to make sure I had received the package, which was scheduled to arrive yesterday (it had), and excitedly asked if I had started making the clothes yet.
The thing is…. Ella wants a Santa Suit for her Porg, Owen wants a Kyerm costume (which is a Pokemon dinosaur-looking thing) made out of “supple leather” for his Porg, and they both want their Porgs to have pajamas made out of “soft material.”
Please wish me luck as I start this project. I’m definitely going to need it.

Comments (4)
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Oh this is precious! You will have to show us the costumes and PJ’s you make for them! I love this story!
I definitely will, DeLoris!
So I just had to comment….I can so feel your “pain!” Though your challenge is a bit harder than mine. I sew American Girl/Bitty baby doll clothes for my grand nieces…a total of 14 dolls! It is easier for me as I actually have many boxes of patterns but you will be figuring that out on your own! I love sewing doll clothes so it is an easy “job” for me. My biggest problem is that although I have more than 20 plastic tubs of every kind of fabric (and leather) that you can imagine I keep buying more…it is definitely an addiction!
Wishing you well on your journey into Porg clothing!
Oh, Janet!14 dolls? At least I only have 2. I totally understand the obsession with fabric. I have quite a collection myself. Having a pattern would be lovely!!! 🙂