What a Mouse Made Me Do

I love to give new life, and perhaps even a different purpose, to vintage items.

The thing is, though, that it’s way too easy for me to go to flea markets and find “trash” that I want to turn into “treasures.” Things that call out to me. Things I can’t resist.

Unfortunately, my imagination has more time than my hands do, and so my stash just keeps getting bigger and bigger. When a mouse moved into my stash and started building a condo, I thought it was time to maybe do a little culling. Anything that I thought I wouldn’t get to for at least a year, I found a home for with another DIY’er.

I don’t go to flea markets as often as I used to – albeit, mostly because there haven’t been as many available because of Covid. But I do belong to multiple Facebook Groups where individuals post items. I see these posts every day when I visit Facebook. It’s hard not to click on the images that interest me. It’s hard not to visualize what I would do with a piece. And it’s even harder not to send a message, “I’ll take it!”

This lovely little piece somehow made it into the trunk of my car yesterday. I’m not fond of the golden oak but look at the slat detail on the sides. Awesome! I will stain the top a different color and paint the body. It will be a perfect small dresser for one of our guest rooms.

Just so you know that I actually DO finish some of the pieces I pick up, here’s a before and after of a dresser that is in our 2nd guest room. I forgot to take a picture right at the beginning of this project. By the time I remembered, I had already removed the mirror and used a heat gun to help remove the cracked and stained (and ugly) veneer from the top. The rest of the piece just needed a good cleaning, light sanding, and some Fusion Mineral Paint. I whitewashed the top for contrast and used some black wax to highlight some of the detail work.




So I WILL get my new piece finished. Sooner rather than later, I hope. But, seriously, I do think I need an intervention, or for someone to just delete my Facebook account. These were just Today’s Picks from one Group! I see 3 things here I’d pick up in a heartbeat. But I guess I really do need to work with the things that I already have first.

Does anything here speak to you?


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I am a creator of digital scrapbook kits and Photoshop tutorials. Someone needs to hear your story, and I will help you tell it.

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