Digital Scrapbook Challenge August 2023

Attention all digital scrapbookers! Are you ready to take on a digital scrapbook challenge that will test your creativity? If so, I invite you to join me in the August Use-It-All Challenge at Oscraps, GingerScraps, or MyMemories. You choose your favorite site; the challenge is the same at all three.
Here’s how it works: I will provide you with a free mini-kit that you must use to create a layout. All you have to do is use every single element in the kit on your page. That’s right – no leaving anything out or saving it for later. This challenge is all about using up what you have.
Once you have created your layout, simply post it in the challenge thread and my gallery. Instructions and links are included in the challenge. You can also share your layout on social media with the hashtags #UseItAllChallenge and #KarenSchulzDesigns
Not only will you have the satisfaction of completing a challenge, but you’ll also have the chance to connect with other digital scrapbookers and see how they used the same kit in different ways.
So what are you waiting for? Sign up for the Use-It-All Challenge today. Let’s get scrapping!
This month’s Challenge Gift is a Love My Dog Sampler.
See the entire Love My Dog Collection Oscraps, GingerScraps, MyMemories, or my personal shop Karen Schulz Designs.