Organize Your Digital Scrapbook Kits and Photos now!

Organize your digital scrapbook kits and photos now. What better time now that {inter}National Scrapbook Day is over. I’m betting that many of us have new digi-products to unzip and file.
Will you be able to find your new digital scrapbook products the next time you sit down to scrap?
Will you know right where to go to find that perfect kit you purchased for a special photo?
How would you feel if I told you I could help you:
- Find just the right kit in your digi-stash in seconds
- Avoid making duplicate purchases because you don’t remember what you already have
- Work more efficiently and quickly
- Spend your time scrapping instead of searching!
Pretty good, right?
I do just that and more in my Get Organized with acdsee Course.
PLEASE NOTE: This class is geared toward the PC user. While the Mac user can benefit from the class, the ACDSee Interface for the Mac is different than the PC, and references to those differences are not included in this course
The ACDSee software is NOT included in this Course. You can download a * FREE trial on the acdsee website.
So what’s holding YOU back from getting organized?
Get Organized with acdsee now!
This investment will save you time, money, and frustration!