Where did the Time go this Week?

Do you ever have weeks when you look back and wonder what you accomplished? Where the time went?  This week is “that” week for me.

I always find it hard to sit still and not be doing something that will give me a tangible result. (This is definitely something I need to work on. It’s okay to have down time.) But even though I was busy all week, I can’t think of a single thing that is really noteworthy.  

I did laundry, I worked on a new collection. I tried a new recipe (the chicken one I posted on my Facebook page), I worked on a new D.I.Y. project. I ran errands in a nearby city, and had lunch with a friend.  

I saw this image on Facebook last week, and it’s been on my mind all week.  So instead of thinking about what I did or did not accomplish this week, I am taking account of the things that I am grateful for. I think the (unknown) author of this list got it right.

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Comments (4)

  1. Barbara S

    We should all concentrate on what we have instead of what we want – How beautiful everything would be. I’m thankful this week that your California fires are somewhat abating. We have had so much rain in the east – I wished for some to come your way!

    August 19, 2018 at 10:35 am
  2. I LOVE this list. We should all read these before bed every single night! Thank you! <3

    August 20, 2018 at 5:30 am
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