Like Father, Like Son

Sometimes, when our son sends pictures or tells stories of something he and our grandson are doing, it’s like an echo through the generations. I can immediately picture the same event taking place between his dad and him when he was a boy. There’s a special kind of joy in those moments.
Some things aren’t the same though. Kids today are far more immersed in technology than kids were in previous generations. Especially, Owen, our 9-year-old grandson. He loves technology and even told me, when he was 7, “Grandma, I AM technology.”
Well, maybe…. but some things just don’t change, technology or not.
The Challenge:
Last week our son and grandson had this conversation:
- Owen: Hey Dad, do you want to play arm wrestling simulator, but in real life?
- Brian: You want to arm wrestle me?
- Owen: Yeah, that’s what I said.
When Brian told me about the conversation, I immediately remembered him challenging his Dad. I’m pretty sure he just challenged him to a good old-fashioned “arm wrestling match” though, and actually called it by that name. In my mind, I saw the photos I have of the match and knew right where they were in my digitized photos. (Yeah!!! I knew all those scanning hours would be worth it!)
The Negotiated Win:
I asked Brian to have a few pictures taken of Owen and him in their match. Owen, rarely one to want his picture taken without negotiating some sort of reward, agreed if Brian would let him win.
Hey, whatever it takes to get the shot!