When You Know, You Know


Have you ever found yourself searching for something without quite knowing what it is, but you’re confident that when you see it, you’ll recognize it instantly?

That’s happened to me multiple times, and as recently as yesterday. But to understand now, you have to understand the past.

After saying goodbye to our dog Riley (The Life of Riley) two years ago, our second dog, Stella, initially seemed to wonder where Riley had gone. However, after a short while, Stella adjusted well to being an only dog. Over time, though, she appeared to grow lonely, and we began to consider finding a playmate for her.

While we weren’t actively searching, over the past few months, we occasionally discussed the idea. We’d take note of cute dogs available for adoption but went about our daily lives…. until yesterday when we stumbled upon this picture posted on Facebook.



The dog was named Jax. His owner had passed away and the owner’s daughter, Elizabeth, had taken Jax into her home.

Elizabeth had dogs of her own, and her dogs were quite large. Given that Jax weighs only 10 pounds, their size easily intimidated him. He had been spending most of his days in his crate or under the couch, where he felt safe. Although it was a very hard decision to make, Elizabeth felt she needed to find a new home for Jax.

The minute I saw the post, I exclaimed (Definition of exclaimed: to cry out suddenly, especially in surprise) “THAT’S OUR DOG!”

As I looked at his picture, I saw response after response being posted on Facebook: “He’s so cute!”, “I’m interested,” “Next!” My heart started to pound, and I nearly pushed my husband off of his chair so I could send the owner a message telling her, “Here I am! The one you are looking for!”

Elizabeth read my message and asked me to call her.  After speaking with me, she agreed to a “Meet and Greet” with Jax.

I’m telling you… it was the funniest thing. My stomach was in knots while we were getting ready for this appointment. It was crazy. But there was a lot on the line. We thought if we ever got another dog we wanted a Yorkshire Terrier or a Chihuahua. Jax is a “designer breed,” a Chorkie – a Yorkshire Terrier and Chihuahua mix. (Who knew there was such a thing?)   Check.   We also wanted a male.  Check.  We also wanted a dog that was housebroken.  Sorta Check.  Jax has been having some issues since he’s been through a lot of trauma and changes recently, but we’re hopeful we’ll be able to get him back on track soon.

So with Elizabeth’s blessing we brought Jax home.

He was a bit timid and shy at first, as expected, but he bonded with me quickly. That was totally expected, as Elizabeth said he prefers females. Last night, his first night with us, he slept in his crate without a whimper. He’s had a few potty accidents in the house, but we’ll be working on that.

This afternoon, he gave me his first kisses. I would like to think that is his way of saying, “You’re okay. I loved my Mom, but, yeah, you’ll do.”

And Stella?  She still isn’t quite sure what to think of this little brown bundle of energy. I think her thought process now is just, “If I can’t see him, he’s not here.”




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I am a creator of digital scrapbook kits and Photoshop tutorials. Someone needs to hear your story, and I will help you tell it.

Comments (12)

  1. Lynn Hoyt

    How totally awesome! But, it’s to be expected for him to have some problems settling in. It’s no different then people. He needs time to get the lay of the land and to learn the routine at the very least. I’m sure the problem will go very soon. It’s still very scary to start in a new home and this is the 2nd one after a loss. A few months ago I took in a cat, same problem, the mom she loved was taken to long term care. We got her in Oct, and I’m finally seeing acceptance that we are her family. But she is 11yrs old now.

    June 27, 2024 at 7:56 am
    • Yes, not only did he lose his Mom, but then he went to a house where he was essentially bullied by bigger dogs, so the little guy has been through a lot. He’s settling in pretty well. I’m just on edge every second, watching him to make sure he’s not scoping out potty places. It’s like having a baby in the house again. But he’s won our hearts already. I’m glad your cat has settled in. ♥

      June 27, 2024 at 8:00 am
  2. Tracey Whitehouse

    This post made my heart sing. Happy days ahead for little Jax.

    June 27, 2024 at 11:51 am
  3. alyciasmith44

    I’m so glad that you found Jax when you did and that he’s settling in, even after all he’s been through. We lost our sweet schnoodle Molly near the end of February this year. After the last 1.5 years of extra care due to her diabetes diagnosis and cataracts which caused her to go blind, we are taking a break from being dog parents. Not sure when or if we’ll change our minds, but I think if we do decide to get another one, we might want to get an older dog (vs a puppy) like Jax. It’s a bit rough as the grief hits at unexpected times, but I’m glad we’re taking a break for now. Maybe next year we’ll rethink things, especially if we happen upon a cutie like Jax!

    June 27, 2024 at 1:56 pm
    • I”m so sorry you lost your Molly. It’s so hard to lose a beloved pet, and I know it takes a while before you are even ready to consider another one. You’ll know when you’re ready. Thank you for the good wishes for Jax and his new home with us.

      June 28, 2024 at 7:17 am
  4. Jay Pechman

    Congratulations on finding your new wonder pup. I’m sure Jax will have a good time with you, Stella and your husband. He sure is a cutie.

    June 28, 2024 at 1:27 am
  5. olgadigiscrap

    Love this sweet story! Hope Stella and Jax will make great friends/

    June 28, 2024 at 1:58 am
  6. rebel1011

    I’m so happy for your family and Jax! Any time a dog is in a good, loving home it makes my heart so full. Congratulations!

    June 28, 2024 at 7:05 am
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